Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Right Now . . .

Movie still from 500 Days of Summer

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

Pages This Week: 100
Pages All Together: 1098

Quarter Quotes:
  1. "But I've spent time with someone fading toward death - held his hand, inhaled the scent of living flesh as it rots away. An old folks' home must smell the same, and no air freshener could disguise that odor. It chokes you, gags you, but you have to pretend that you're doing just fine, not trembling with fear because the end is close. You can feel death hovering, waiting for his very last breath his final shudder; anticipating taking him away." - Impulse
  2. "Freedom is a doubled-edge ideal, because true freedom comes without the protection of laws that also enslave us by defining us - female, male; Christian, Islamic; good, evil. All at the at the whim of a frail minority." - Impulse 
  3. "The past is just something that's over." - A Single Man
I love the third quote a lot because the past is over with and you can't change anything about it, as they say in Meet the Robinson's "Keep movie forward".

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