Thursday, October 13, 2011


Two veterans at the Cottages is Chrissie and Rodney have become closes with Kath, Ruth, and Tommy. They are a couple just like Ruth and Tommy are a couple. Kathy liked both of them in the beginning of their stay at the cottages but she is starting to dislike them more and more. Were are starting to discover more of who these people are who went to Hailsham and other schools like that. You could say their kind of clones of people except that's not how they said it, its like they're modeled off of certain people. They were "created" for their vital organs which are called donations. Once their old enough and they'll give two to four (depending on what organs they have to give) donations then they'll die. The people that they were based off of they call possibles. There is always talks and rumors that they've seen possibles of friends or anyone they know but no ones every taken any of it too seriously. Well one day when Chrissie and Rodney were on a trip visiting a friend they saw what they thought to maybe be Ruth's possible in an office window. They told Ruth of her and planned a trip to see if they could find her again.

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