Thursday, October 20, 2011

Part Three

Now Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy had a falling out close to the end of their stay at the cottages. Kathy is the first to move on to go to training to become a carer. A carer is what everyone has to do, they pretty much help the people giving donations recover form their surgeries and their kinda like a friend and mentor towards them during that time. So part three starts seven years after the cottages Kathy is still a carer and Ruth and Tommy have started giving their donations. There isn't a certain amount of time you have to be a carer for, they can start giving donations whenever their ready and that's usually fairly soon because it gets depressing watching the people they befriend die only after a couple of donations. Kath sees that her time as a carer is probably coming to an end so she does what she been wanting to do for awhile and becomes Ruth's carer (note they haven't spoken to each other since the cottages). Kath and Ruth hit it off again not really thinking about their fall out sever years ago. They plan a trip and decided that they should invite Tommy to come with them. Tommy is in a hospital not to far from their destination. Tommy came and on their trip Ruth admitted something to Kath and Tommy that day. She told them that she was sorry that she had kept Kath and Tommy apart from each other all those years starting at Hailsham. Originally Kath din't do anything with this information she went on with being Ruth's carer. But after Ruth's second donation she was slowing dying and ask for Kath to become Tommy's carer.

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