Thursday, October 20, 2011


I've started Nightlight by Harvard Lampoon. Its a parody of the Twilight Saga books and its super hilarious and stupid so far. Now I really love the Twilight Saga a lot, and I don't mind if people make extremely hilarious jokes about it, but I hate it when people rag on it for no reason when they haven't even read the books and all they've seen is just five minutes of one of the movies. However, this book stars Belle Goose an extremely socially awkward seventeen year-old who moves to her dads house in Switchblade, Oregon. Shes very "in to herself" and think all the guys at school like her and super spacey and dense. She soon meets Edwart Mullen a nerd who has no interest in girls. Immediately Belle thinks Edwart is something supernatural and also thinks that Edwart is really into her but he really is showing no interest. Soon after a couple of days at the new school Belle notices strange things about Edwart Mullen like he shielded her for a snow ball and didn't eat his tator tots at lunch so of course there is no other explanation he has to be a vampire.

Now the some of the jokes in this book are super humorous like when Belle receives a u-haul truck from her dad and is absolutely ecstatic, this of course is making fun of how excited Bella was when she got the oldest red pick-up truck imaginable from her dad in the real Twilight. Also, there are a lot of extremely random little things that Belle always bursts out and does, this is poking fun at the real Bella's personality and taking it to the extreme and its very funny. Now this is a super fast book to read, its only a hundred and fifty-four pages long, so if you love or hate Twilight and want some stupid random books you should totally read this book.

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