Thursday, October 20, 2011

Never Let Me Go: The End

Tommy and Kathy want to get deferrals to live together with no donations for a couple of year by themselves. They go and find Madame to see if the rumors are true and to see if they can receive these deferrals. They both meet with her and find that none of this is true they can't have a few years off together and they have to go back to giving donations and being a carer. While they were there talking with her they discovered much more about what their lives truly were and they meant to the public around them. These true facts about their lives didn't help either Tommy or Kathy and soon Tommy had to give his fourth donation (which is usually their last before they complete/die). Tommy wants Kathy to quit being his carer because he doesn't want her to see him like that. so she does as he asks and just months after Tommy's fourth donation she finds out that he had died. The book ends with Kathy now ended being a carer and started giving her donations holding on to her memoirs of Hailsham, Ruth, and Tommy and moving on with her life.

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