Friday, November 11, 2011


The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

Pages Read this Week: 100
Pages All Together: 1635

Since the beginning of this semester I can tell my reading skills have evolved immensely. I used to read some before this class but I read books very slowly and it would take me like a month to finish a book. But now I can tell that I'm reading many more pages per week and getting through books much quicker than I used too. The next book I hope to read is Crossed the sequel to Matched, if only I could find a copy of it. It just came out on the first, and I'm like seventeenth on the waiting list at the library so I might just have to end up buying it, because that will be like a month from now and I don't think I can wait that long. Also, I didn't find myself reading in any new places that I didn't normally read in before, well maybe not I guess, I read in class more often now. Like not just Etymology on Thursdays, but other classes too. I still like to listen to music when I read because it drowns out the noises of conversation that distract me and even though I listen to music I can drown that out too and get lost in a book. I also think this class made me read the books that I've been meaning to read but just hadn't got around to doing it, so I hope to keep reading those books and ignore the homework and college things a little to do so.

One last thing I know we didn't have to do "Quotes" this week but I really enjoy this one:
"Charlie, we accept the love we think we deserve." now ponder that one for awhile.

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