Thursday, November 10, 2011


Charlie is an interesting character, ever though he has no friends he still goes out to all the football games and dances and just sits in the back round and observes people. I guess that's why the books title is what it is. But another thing he is super emotional which kind of bothers me. He cries all the time and not like in the I'm depressed lets go up to my room and sulk and feel bad for yourself type cries. He'll cry at like super random none emotional moments, I don't know I thought it was odd. But he's seems like a good kid he always seems to want to do the right thing and he never wants to feel bad about anything, he never wants to be in trouble with anything. Another thing Charlie does is that he thinks about hypothetical futures a lot, like what are things that he will tell his children or even his grand children one day.
So Charlie has made some friends Patrick and Sam, they are step-brother and sister, and seniors at the high school. Charlie knew Patrick vaguely from shop class and started talking to them at a football game. Charlie really likes Sam and Sam knows this fact but said that charlie is too young for her. Charlie tries not to think of her that way and just trys to look at her as a friend, but now she has a boyfriend named Craig and Charlie's not jealous but thinks he could treat her better. Also, Charlie is now in on the secrect between Patrick and Brad, the quarterback of the football team, their an item, Charlie noticed that Patrick would always cheer for Brad at football games and just assumed he was really into the football games.
This book is really good so far I really do love the Charlie character he's super likeable and he has really thought provoking ideas to say in his letters, so I hope the rest of the book goes well.

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