Friday, November 11, 2011


The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

Pages Read this Week: 100
Pages All Together: 1635

Since the beginning of this semester I can tell my reading skills have evolved immensely. I used to read some before this class but I read books very slowly and it would take me like a month to finish a book. But now I can tell that I'm reading many more pages per week and getting through books much quicker than I used too. The next book I hope to read is Crossed the sequel to Matched, if only I could find a copy of it. It just came out on the first, and I'm like seventeenth on the waiting list at the library so I might just have to end up buying it, because that will be like a month from now and I don't think I can wait that long. Also, I didn't find myself reading in any new places that I didn't normally read in before, well maybe not I guess, I read in class more often now. Like not just Etymology on Thursdays, but other classes too. I still like to listen to music when I read because it drowns out the noises of conversation that distract me and even though I listen to music I can drown that out too and get lost in a book. I also think this class made me read the books that I've been meaning to read but just hadn't got around to doing it, so I hope to keep reading those books and ignore the homework and college things a little to do so.

One last thing I know we didn't have to do "Quotes" this week but I really enjoy this one:
"Charlie, we accept the love we think we deserve." now ponder that one for awhile.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Charlie is an interesting character, ever though he has no friends he still goes out to all the football games and dances and just sits in the back round and observes people. I guess that's why the books title is what it is. But another thing he is super emotional which kind of bothers me. He cries all the time and not like in the I'm depressed lets go up to my room and sulk and feel bad for yourself type cries. He'll cry at like super random none emotional moments, I don't know I thought it was odd. But he's seems like a good kid he always seems to want to do the right thing and he never wants to feel bad about anything, he never wants to be in trouble with anything. Another thing Charlie does is that he thinks about hypothetical futures a lot, like what are things that he will tell his children or even his grand children one day.
So Charlie has made some friends Patrick and Sam, they are step-brother and sister, and seniors at the high school. Charlie knew Patrick vaguely from shop class and started talking to them at a football game. Charlie really likes Sam and Sam knows this fact but said that charlie is too young for her. Charlie tries not to think of her that way and just trys to look at her as a friend, but now she has a boyfriend named Craig and Charlie's not jealous but thinks he could treat her better. Also, Charlie is now in on the secrect between Patrick and Brad, the quarterback of the football team, their an item, Charlie noticed that Patrick would always cheer for Brad at football games and just assumed he was really into the football games.
This book is really good so far I really do love the Charlie character he's super likeable and he has really thought provoking ideas to say in his letters, so I hope the rest of the book goes well.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

I picked this book up because I really loved the cover then I read the back and it sounded pretty good. And I just figured out by researching the picture above that this is soon to be a movie in 2012, it has that guy from that Percy Jackson movie and Emma Watson so maybe if I like the book I'll have to go see the movie. So The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky takes you through the life of Charlie through letters sent to his "friend." The reader and Charlie do not know who this friend is and he states that he doesn't want this friend who hes sending these letters to, to know who he is or where he lives so he's very vague on all those parts. Charlie is in 8th grade when the book starts and his friend Micheal had just commit suicide hes dealing with those emotions when soon he's starting high school. Since losing his friend Micheal kind of made him lose all his other friends along with him. So he's unpopular and he hates high school. He has two older sibling a sister and a brother. His brother is a football player at Penn State and his sister is still in high school. He talks of sister and her many boyfriends and how she treats them (not well and weirdly to be specific). There is one teacher Charlie acknowledged in these letters and that is his English teacher who ask Charlie to call him by the name of "Bill."

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I'm obsessed with this website called Pinterest. It is so addicting. Its pretty much this site with a bunch of different photos and videos on it, but like of all different things. The photos in this post are pictures from the site, they have humorous things and like DIY stuff, and fashion and super awesome nail idea, and the most adorable photos of animals and pets you have ever seen. I really suggest you join cause its amazing. 

Bree Tanner: Part 2

So since Victoria made a deal with the Volturi, Victoria has commanded Riley to start training the newborns to fight against the Cullens.  So to fast forward a little bit Diego (Bree's friend) decides to run away because he knows he'll probably die in the fight. Riley tells Bree that he already went off to fight just so Bree wouldn't get any ideas and decide to leave too cause he couldn't afford to loose that many numbers. So they finish training and make the trek to where the Cullens live. Once the fight begins Bree thinks that Diego is dead because she does not see or smell him. She then surrenders to the Cullens and says that she will not fight if they do not kill her. The Cullens agree to this little truce, at least till the Volturi get there. Once the Volturi do get there though its a totally different story, and the book ends with the Volturi killing her.
Bree's vampire life is a sad story she was just a young girl in the wrong place at the wrong time, and she was just a little pawn in Victoria's big game. This young girl's life was wasted for it seems like no reason.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Bree Tanner: Part 1

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner is a book about Bree Tanner a small character in Eclipse from the Twilight Saga. Bree is a young girl changed into a vampire, shes not the only one though she has a friend named Diego (their both young vampires). More and more people are being change and they don't know why. They know that there is a woman behind all this but they don't know what she looks like are who she is. They do know about Riley, he is the "boss" or "leader" over the newborn vampires. Bree and Diego decided that they believe that Riley is uses them for protection against something. Once they've concluded this they decide to find and follow Riley in the hopes that the would find the woman (now the woman is of course Victoria the vampire that wants Bella dead in New Moon and Eclipse). Riley does end up going to see Victoria to update her on whats going on with all the newborn vampires. In the middle of their discussion the Volturi show up (now at this point if you had read the books before you know what is going on and who these vampires are, but Bree and Diego have no idea about any of this stuff and they are being kept in the dark). The Volturi threaten Victoria, their not happy with her creating a "vampire army" but are willing to give her a second chance only to use the army to kill off the Cullens.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Right Now. . .

Nightlight by The National Lampoon
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer

Pages Read for the Past Two Weeks: 264
Pages Read all Together: 1535

Quotes of the Past TwoWeeks:
  1. "I had to admit, I did look stunning for a caterpillar's pupal casing. Lucy and Laura would say I looked more "hAwWt and jUiCaYyY ;)" but I think that "stunning" was a much better word" - Nightlight
  2. "I had recently come into the possession of a Thesaurus. You would not believe how many words there are! When I opened that book, I was like, whoa! Word party!" - Nightlight
  3. "Dad was in the kitchen, as usual, fumbling around with the drawers. he couldn't even pour himself cereal! i wonder how he managed to exist by himself before I arrived. "Here's a bowl, Dad," I said. "A what?" "It's like a plate, but with sides," I explained." - Nightlight

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Why Nightlight is Hilarious.

Twilight Summary:

About three things I was absolutely positive.
 First, Edward was a vampire.

Second, there was a part of him- and I didn't know haw dominate that part might be- that thirsted for my blood.  

And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.
Nightlight Summary:
About three thins I was absolutely certain.
 First, Edwart was most likely my soul mate, maybe.
Second, there was a vampire part of him - which I assumed was wildly out of his control- that wanted me dead.
And third, I unconditionally, irrevocably, impenetrably, heterogeneously, genealogically, and disreputably wished he had kissed me.

These are the summary's that are on the backs of both Nightlight and Twilight. And this is pretty much the what the whole book does: it makes fun at Stephine Meyer's writing, some characteristics that Bella/Belle possesses, and how weird and unusually and not real Bella/Belle and Edward's/Edwart's relationship is. If you have read the first Twilight book I think the book would be a lot funnier than if you haven't read it because there are a lot of little inside joke things that you would only catch if you had read the book. For example, in Twilight Charlie (Bella's dad) can't really cook very well, so in Nightlight they take that little trait to the extreme. They literally make him seem like an infant and he doesn't even know how to put a bowl of cereal together. They also make fun of how Bella's kinda of clumsy and they take that trait to the extreme.

The Beginning of the End

This is for Taylor (and anyone else who enjoys Twilight for that matter and can't wait till Breaking Dawn) I know you love Twilight, and this kinda sums up the whole saga pretty nicely. Only 15 days left!:) Oh I also have no idea if anyone seen this but I'm hoping not.