Thursday, September 8, 2011


So I feel like its been taking me an extremely long time to read On the Road, so to make up for lost pages I started reading Impulse by Ellen Hopkins. I love all of Ellen Hopkins books and Impulse is the only one I haven't read. If your not familiar with her books she writes them in some special poetic term that I don't know, but there is always like hidden messages and in like one page her words will make like a picture or something. So Impulse is about three teenagers, Conner, Tony and Vanessa, that are all sent to this "treatment center" called Aspen Springs, oh and they all don't know one other. The book is written in all three of the characters point of views, Hopkins, every like five to ten pages will change the character so you know whats going on in every one's heads on whatever is happening in the treatment center. So Conner is in Aspen Springs because he tried to shoot himself with a gun through his heart but the bullet hit his bone and his little brother found him and he was sent to the center. Tony was sent because he overdosed on pills and alcohol and a cop found in a pool of his own vomit on a sidewalk. And then Vanessa is a resident because she cuts herself and one time she cut herself so much that it pretty much went to the bone and her brother found her. So all three of them are pretty much locked up in isolation, constantly being checked up on just in case they try and do anything, but eventually they are given a level one status and are let into small groups to talk. And that is where I had finished.

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